Welcome to the BEAST Wiki!

BioEngineering Association of STudents at UC Berkeley and UCSF

Remember to apply for Quals and to Advance to Candidacy at least 1 month ahead of the deadline! For more information, see the student handbook.

Administrative forms for 2024-25:
Rotation Evaluation
Rotation Authorization
Mentor Commitment
Major/Minor Areas
Area Requirements
APR PreCandidacy
APR Candidacy

Quals Worksheet
Dissertation Worksheet
Dissertation Update

On 06/13/20, the Black students in the BioE program shared an open letter to the Bioengineering community with a their list of demands to address racial inequalities in the department. Read the letter here.

On 06/30/20, the Bioengineering faculty leadership replied with an item-by-item response to the open letter. Read the letter here.

On 07/20/20, the Black students in the BioE program provided their input on the Bioengineering faculty leadership response. Read the response here.

On 08/06/20, the Bioengineering faculty leadership provided additional comments to the input provided by the Bioengineering community. Read the comments here.

For more information, please see the new page on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
International Students: Please follow the Berkeley's International Office or UCSF's International Students and Scholars Office guidance on the developing situation regarding restrictions placed on international students by the Department of Homeland Security. As this is a fast changing issue, these two sources will have the most up to date information regarding your visa questions and relationship with each school.
Due to concerns and mitigation efforts related to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Graduate Council has agreed that all members may participate remotely in Qual Exams. Zoom is the preferred platform since many faculty will be offering instruction via Zoom and obtaining Zoom Pro accounts. 

More COVID-19 Resources:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - How to Protect Yourself
COVID-19 Information for Graduate Students
COVID-19 Student Affairs Updates
COVID-19 UCSF Resource Page
COVID-19 Berkeley International Students FAQ

Here you will find information that can be helpful to you as a graduate student in the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering.

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

BEAST BioE’s Alonso Torres (center) has been working diligently on the bioreactor component of the implantable bioartificial kidney with @KidneyProject Director @shuvoroy (right). They just won $1M from #KidneyX to continue their work! See article here: https://pharmacy.ucsf.edu/news/2023/06/scaling-bioartificial-kidney-ucsf

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