There are three groups of things to plan for the retreat:

1) Plenary Talks and Sessions

  • Keynote
  • Alumni
  • General interest. Some ideas (not comprehensive):
    • Business/Start-ups
    • Policy
    • Sundries (e.g. Fletcher’s White House, Terry’s book deal)
  • Sketches
  • Poster Session
  • Closing/Awards Session

2) Break-out Sessions

  • This is an important component of the retreat. It is meant to do two things:
    • Provide a forum for researchers in a particular subfield to talk about (new) research among themselves
    • (in a separate session from the one above) Provide a bridge between at least two subfields, where interdisciplinary/collaborative research is discussed. After all, this is the point of having a BioEngineering department, as opposed to separate imaging, tissue engineering, systems biology, etc. departments

3) Free time and Party

  • Give people a few different options. Some ideas:
    • Hiking
    • Wine-tasting
    • Scavenger hunt was very successful
  • For the party, secure alcohol and music (i.e. speakers)

Here is an example schedule from 2013:
2013 Schedule