Schedule speakers for and advertise BEST meetings

  • Most BEST talks are practice qualifying exam talks. Hence, at the beginning of the semester, send out a mail to the BEAST group to get an idea of people planning on giving their practice talk that semester and their preferred dates. Subsequently schedule their talks over the semester and ask them to send an abstract of the talk approximately a week prior to their talk. This abstract can be used to advertise the talk in the BEAST group or beyond (one mail a week prior to the talk followed by two reminder mails).

Get food for the meetings

  • In the mail sent to BEAST about the talk, ask people interested in giving the talk to RSVP ideally a day before the talk (although realistically people still RSVP on the day of the event) to get food.

Get venue and A/V for meetings

  • Berkeley: Most BESTs are held at Stanley Hall. If you have your lab in Stanley then you can use the Calcium web reservation system. Else you can ask Stanley Hall manager to book the rooms for you or give access to Calcium. The conference rooms in Stanley have all the required A/V.
  • UCSF:  Most BESTs are held in Byers Hall. Go to  to see the room calendars for available conference rooms and after identifying an open date and time, email Joeleen Caccam ( requesting the date, time, and room for a BEST reservation. All rooms have the necessary A/V equipment and white boards.


  • Reimbursement for food comes from either Bioengineering Department, from the UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly, or from the UCSF Associated Students of Graduate Division (ASGD). Coordinate with the Treasurer to figure out the reimbursement process. Submit receipts for reimbursement as soon as possible after the event.