A PhD isn’t just being a student — it’s part of your career! Below are a variety of excellent resources to explore throughout your PhD.
- A BEAST Guide for Transitioning to Industry
- Find the UCB-UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering on LinkedIn
- Check out the BEAST calendar to see what are the upcoming alumni talks organized by our very own alumni/industry liaisons
- Attend the BEAST Alumni Speaker Series
- UC Berkeley Career Center — there are advisers and resources specifically for PhDs!
- UCSF Career Center
- Start working on an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- Visiting Scholar and Postdoc Affairs — home to a variety of excellent career development programs
- Postdoc Industry Exploration Program (PIEP) — workshops and site visits
- Berkeley Postdoctoral Entrepreneur Program (BPEP)
- Thriving in Science
- Beyond Academia — hosts a variety of events including an excellent two-day conference each year
- Medtech Women — hosts networking events
- UCSF Rosenman Institute — includes startup funding opportunities, hosts seminars
- GSICE — Career development course at UCSF Mission Bay + internship program
- CITRIS — includes startup funding opportunities, hosts variety of seminars
- Career Development Initiative for the Physical Sciences (CDIPS) — includes summer Data Science Workshop, organizes 1-unit seminar on Careers for Physical Science Ph.D.s
- Insight Data Fellows Program — internship program
- Graduate Women in Engineering — hosts seminars and networking events
- Double Shelix — podcast on women in STEM, inclusivity, grad school grind, passionate people, general advice relevant to grad students
- The Entrepreneurship Center @ UCSF — Events, Lean Launchpad classes and other resources @ UCSF
- UCSF Consulting Club — contact at consulting[dot]ucsf[at]gmail[dot]com
- Berkeley Entrepreneurs Association @ Berkeley — Events and resources @ Berkeley
- Biotech Connection Bay Area (BCBA) — Opportunities and resources for students/postdocs to get into biotech consulting
- Bay Bridge Bio — Resources for biotech entrepreneurs
- Startup@Berkeley — General list of startup resources at Berkeley
- MCB 295 — Careers for Life Science PhDs (panel discussions weekly)
- Science Leadership and Management (SLAM)
- Motivating INformed Decisions (MIND)