First Year Information

For newly matriculated students and first years. Here you will find resources on moving the Bay Area, getting California residency, and choosing a dissertation lab.

Second Year Information

For students looking for resources on classes, teaching, and, of course, qualifying exams and advancing to candidacy.

Candidate Information

For students who have or are in the process of advancing to candidacy and are seeking resources on forming a dissertation committee. You will also find graduation and thesis requirements (such as coursework and teaching) in addition to resources for professional development and moving onto the next stage of your career.

Other Resources

UC Berkeley-UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering Website
Berkeley-UCSF BioE Handbook
Course Information
Teaching Information
Qualifying Exam and Dissertation
Fellowships and Travel Awards
Professional Development
Required Forms and Documentation
Computing Resources
Intellectual Property


Summary of Requirements

  1. Course Requirements and Program of Study
    • Area Requirements (breadth requirements)
    • Major Area (16 Semester or 24 Quarter Units) and Minor Area (8 Semester or 12 Quarter Units)
    • First Year Seminars BioE 200 (UCB) and BioE 280/281 (UCSF)
    • BioE 301 (UCB) Bioengineering Teaching Techniques
    • BioE 201 (UCB) Ethics or equivalent in First and Fourth years
  2. Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements
    • Students are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above in academic coursework
  3. First Year Research Rotations and Research Mentor Selection
    • Students must complete three (3) research rotations with Bioengineering Core Faculty during the first year. Following completion of these rotations, students select a rotation mentor as their dissertation research mentor.
  4. Graduate Student Instructor/Teaching Assistantship
    • All students must complete a minimum of one (1) 10-hour Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) assignment at either UCB or UCSF. This does not need to be a BioE course.
  5. Qualifying Examination
    • Students identify qualifying exam committee members during their second year and hold the qualifying exam (written and oral presentation) by the end of the fall of their their year.
  6. Advancement to Candidacy
    • Following successful completion of the qualifying exam, students must submit the proper Graduate Division and Program forms to formally advance to candidacy ASAP.
  7. Research Conference Presentation
    • Students must present a poster or talk at a minimum of one research conference. This can include presenting at the Bioengineering Annual Retreat.
  8. Annual Progress Reports
    • Students are required to meet with their academic advisor and/or dissertation committee and submit progress reports annually.
  9. Dissertation
    • Students must write a dissertation compiling the results of their graduate research. Upon written approval of their dissertation committee, students file their dissertation with the Graduate Division of their home campus.
  10. Exit Seminar
    • Graduating students must hold a concluding research seminar to present their graduate work.