It is important to register for classes as soon as possible to ensure timely payment of academic fees as well as your first stipend payment. Berkeley registration for fall courses typically opens in mid July; UCSF registration typically opens in August. Check your CalCentral and UCSF student portal pages for enrollment dates. Check for emails from the administration at your home campus about how many units you must enroll in at each campus. 

Feel free to reach out to peer advisors with questions about what courses to sign up for, but the most important thing is to register for the required amount of units ASAP; you can easily add and drop courses throughout the beginning of the term. Additionally, don't worry if your desired Berkeley classes are full. Just register on the waitlist and make sure to show up for the first class sessions, as students are usually able to secure a spot in these classes even if they were full at registration.

Students are required to complete a breadth requirement (Area Requirements) and a depth requirement (Major and Minor Area). Students are to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. Some of the courses used to satisfy Area Requirements may also be counted toward the Major or Minor Areas, but they must be taken while enrolled as a student in the program.

  1. Area Requirements
  2. Major and Minor Requirements
  3. Exceptions
  4. Coursework Recommendations
  5. Sample Courses for Majors and Minors
  6. Examples of Major and Minor Titles

Area Requirements

Students must complete the Area Requirements listed below some time during their academic career in the program. Students may apply courses taken prior to entering the program (pending approval by their Graduate Adviser) or may be selected from appropriate offerings at Berkeley or UCSF. The Area Requirements Form must be updated annually with approving signatures to the Program Administrator on the Home Campus during the Spring Semester of the first two years.

Area Semester Units Quarter Units
Anatomy, Physiology and Biology 9 13.5
Biochemistry, and Chemistry beyond General Chemistry 3 4.5
Engineering in a traditional discipline and Computer Science 7 10.5
Mathematics (beyond linear algebra and differential equations)
and Statistics
2 3.0

Major and Minor Requirements

Students must identify a Major and a Minor field in which the student will complete 16 Semester Units/24 Quarter Units and 8 Semester Units/12 Quarter Units respectively on a graded basis. This requirement is designed for students explore an area of interest in depth.

Area Semester Units Quarter Units
Major Requirements 16 24
Minor Requirements 8 12

For help in designing your Major and Minor Areas, here are a few resources:


  • Area Requirements does NOT refer to the major and minor; if you come in with a B.S. in bioengineering, you have probably already satisfied all of the Area Requirements.
  • Students may apply courses taken prior to entering the program (pending approval by their Graduate Adviser) or may be selected from appropriate offerings at Berkeley or UCSF.
  • Some of the courses used to satisfy Area Requirements may also be counted toward the Major or Minor areas (see next section), but they must be taken while enrolled as a student in the Program
  • Students who already hold a Master’s Degree or professional degree may use courses from their prior degree program toward their Minor field with approval from the Head Graduate Adviser. In this case, the Major field must be in an area complementary to the student’s prior training.
  • Up to six (6) units of undergraduate upper division courses may be applied towards the major area of study with approval from the Head Graduate Adviser.
  • One course with the S/U option (rather than letter-graded) is acceptable for meeting the requirements of the Major Area if the student is able to present sufficient justification for the inclusion of the course and following approval from both the student’s Graduate Adviser and the Head Graduate Adviser.

Coursework Recommendations

See the Peer Advising’s compiled list of coursework recommendations. Please note that course availability changes every quarter and semester and some courses are only offered every two years. Furthermore, course numbers and term availability may vary.

Semester/Quarter [may change!]
Research field
Secondary research field
Course number [may change!]
Course name
Rating (1-5)
2022BerkeleyFallStatisticsPBHLTH 245Introduction to Multivariate StatisticsLexin LiCourse material is useful, lectures very dry, HW not too challenging, no exam3
2022BerkeleySpringPublic HealthPBHLTH 260FInfectious Disease Research in Developing CountriesEva HarrisReally interesting course material for anyone in global health, covers ethics & logistics, readings for hw, project at the end, discussion based, lots of guest speakers5
2022BerkeleySpringPublic HealthPBHLTH 266BZoonotic DiseasesPeter DaileyFascinating material, discussion based with readings and guest lectures, project at the end, good if you are interested in infectious diseases & public health5
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsCMPBIO C231Introduction to Computational Molecular and Cell BiologyIan HolmesLots of material covered in a short amount of time, useful topics & good overview of comp bio, homeworks were a bit unrelated to lectures at times, exam & project at the end and weekly hw, a little programming experience is helpful3
2022BerkeleySpringBioMEMS/NanotechnologyMCELLBI C205Modern Optical Microscopy for the Modern BiologistRobert BetzigGreat class for widefield fluorescence and super resolution microscopy. The final project might be challenging, but you get a chance to use the Mosaic5
2022BerkeleyFallImmunologyPBHLTH 263Public Health ImmunologySarah StanleyIf Sarah Stanley is teaching, take this! She is amazing and explains immunology so well. I still use the notes and what I learned in this class.5
2022UCSFSpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsPHARMGENOM 219Pharmacokinetic Modeling MinicourseRada SavicMinicourses were great! I love the format. This one had no hw, just workshop in class. Very practical course to learn NONMEM & R modelling for pharmacokinetics4
2022BerkeleySpringTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineMCB 250Advanced ImmunologyDavid Raulet, Bill Sha, Michel Dupagelow workload but lots of material covered, heavy emphasis on molecular biology methods/techniques, especially great survey of adaptive immunity4
2022BerkeleyFallTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicinePbHlth 263Public Health ImmunologyAmy Garlin, Stephen Popperlow workload, really great intro/primer to immunology but does not go into depth4
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsDATA C200Principles and Techniques of Data ScienceAnthony JosephIntense workload, but a great introduction to Python, data visualization, and basic machine learning concepts. Workload consists of a weekly programming assignments, 1 midterm, 1 final project, and a final. Would highly recommend for anyone with minimal programming experience and an interest in computational techniques that could be applied to large datasets.5
2022BerkeleySpringENGIN 295Communications for Engineering LeadersThomas Fitzpatrick & Susan HoulihanThis is 1-unit class that's basically just two full days of public speaking workshops. Everyone in the class is so supportive, whether you are afraid of public speaking or someone who loves it! The class also encourages a lot of reflection about your career journey and goals. I would recommend taking it in the middle of your grad career, so you will have a better idea of your research directions but will still have time to implement the lessons and goals you gained from the course.5
2022BerkeleyFallBioMEMS/NanotechnologyBIOENG 221Advanced BioMEMS and BionanotechnologyAaron StreetsThis course had a midterm (maybe two? can't remember), a final project, and several problem sets. This class is a lot of work but you learn a lot from it, especially if you are interested in omics-based biotechnology. The project was probably the hardest part of the class because I got grouped with masters students that hardly did any work. Overall I would recommend to take this class if you're interested in single-cell sequencing or diagnostic type research.4
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsPBHLTH 245Introduction to Multivariate StatisticsLexin LiThis is a super chill class that has like 5 fairly straightforward problem sets and then a final project that can be based on your current research or research from a rotation. Lexin is really sweet and helpful and its a good course to learn R for statistics and that basics of multivariate statistical tests, regression, and clustering. It is definitely an intro course, you won't find any intense derivations, stats or machine learning here. If you're looking for a slam dunk 4 semester units, this is the course for you.5
2022BerkeleySpringBiophysics/BiomechanicsBIOENG C215Molecular Biomechanics and Mechanobiology of the CellMohammad MofradThis class was a little weird because it was entirely over Zoom during the pandemic and Mofrad did not have a GSI. The class literally consisted of a journal club presentation and FOUR papers, three of which had a 10 page minimum, one was like a 6 page minimum I think. Those were the only assignments but it was honestly so much work. Mofrad is a really nice guy and I am sure the class is better in person and in a different format, but it was definitely not fun when I took it over Zoom. It’s a good class if you want to learn about protein modeling, nucleus, cytoskeleton , and membrane physics, and molecular biomechanics; I would only take it though if those things are heavily applicable to your research interests.2
2022BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsDATA C200Principles and Techniques of Data ScienceJoseph Gonzalez and Andrew BrayThis is an excellent class if you want to learn the basics of Python programming and data science. It teaches you how to think like a data scientist and I found that approach helpful when I applied it to bioinformatics. I would say this class is a must-take if you have no Python experience and are looking to gain skills in Python. There are a TON of problem sets, a midterm, a final, and a final project. This class is a lot of work, but also a lot of fun; make sure that you find a good partner for the final project. Don’t worry if your grade is terrible in the class, I think I got like a 40% on the final and still ended up with an A in the class because they curve it like crazy for grad students. Just be prepared that this class is all online and theres like 1000 students in the class; definitely take this class with cohort buddies if you can. Also lastly, there is not really any legit ML in this course but there is a lot of data cleaning, regression, and clustering.5
2022BerkeleyFallTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicinePBHLTH 263Public Health ImmunologyAmy Garlin and Stephen PopperThis is a great course for learning the basics of immunology. It covers into decent detail both innate and adaptive immune systems. This class had two midterms and a final and I think that those were the only assignments, attendance was mandatory and you sometimes had to give little 5 minute group presentations in class about the material. Amy was an MD who was super duper sweet and knowledgeable, and Stephen was an HIV researcher/lecturer who was less helpful, haha. I think this is a must take if you are doing any immunoengineering or disease related research in which interactions with immune cells are important. Overall the class wasn't too hard and I learned a lot.4
2022BerkeleySpringNeural Systems & Vision ScienceNEUROSC C262Circuit and Systems NeurobiologyDan Feldman and Yang DanAwesome course that dives deep into most corners of systems and circuit neuroscience. The class consists of student led and instructor moderated journal clubs on one day of the week and then instructor lectures on the other day of the week. You learn a lot about how circuit neuroscience hypotheses are derived, experiments are set up, and how confounding results are analyzed. Dan Feldman and Yang Dang are both super knowledgeable and were amazing at dissecting papers and helping the class think through why certain decisions were made in the papers we were reading. In the class you will have to present one 45 minute journal club presentation, one midterm, and then one final term paper of about 6 pages I think. You should definitely take this course if you are interested in anything related to circuit level or systems level neuroscience.5
2022UCSFWinterSystems & Synthetic BiologyGenetics 200APrinciples of GeneticsDavid ToczyskiThis was a good general overview of genetics and genetics techniques. The class is pretty chill and just consists of attending lectures, reading papers, and 4 small problem sets. Be prepared that this is a Tetrad course so like 90% of the class is in the tetrad program and they look down upon us humble bioengineers (jk the tetrad students are super nice and helpful). This class was most useful in helping me further understand how to effectively use and design driver lines, inducible promoters, and other genetic promoter systems. They go over yeast, bacteria, mouse, and human genetics. One of the coolest parts of this class were these mini groups where you and like 6 other students get to directly discuss papers with a couple of the UCSF professors for a few weeks. I think my professors were Barbara Panning and Su Guo, a there were like 8 other professors that did these mini groups.4
2022BerkeleyFallSystems & Synthetic BiologyPMB220AMicrobial GeneticsTagaGood amount of papers you will have to read within the 5 weeks of the course. But a good minicourse for background in microbial techniques/genetics.5
2022BerkeleySpringSystems & Synthetic BiologyPMB220EMicrobial PhysiologyJohn CoatesFocused on microbial metabolism, so may not be relevant to everyone. But definitely and interesting course and professor.5
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsBioEng C231Introduction to Computational Molecular and Cell BiologyIan HolmesThe exams aren't very well written, and the time commitment each week is inconsistent. Still, amazing content! It's a class that teaches you the algorithms and methods applied in computational biology, NOT a class to tell you what tool to use for your data.5
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsPBHLTH C240CBiostatistical Methods- Computational Statistics with Applications in Biology and MedicineJingshen WangWhen I first got to Berkeley, I struggled to find a statistics course that wasn't basic, but also wasn't going to leave me in the dust. This felt like the perfect intermediate course. I took it during zoomU, and I feel like the professor struggled with virtual classes. So I imagine that taking it in person would be slightly more difficult.4
2022BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsBioEng 241Probabilistic Modeling in Computational BiologyIan HolmesDifficult content, but it's truly a "get out what you put in" kind of class. Because of the journal club portion, the class varies each iteration. Past themes were- 2021: computational epidemiology, 2022: machine learning for protein design.5
2022BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsBioEng 245Introduction to Machine Learning for Computational BiologyLiana LareauGreat primer with heavy focus on application. This would be a good course to take before the Intro ML course in the EECS department (CS289).4
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsEECS 289Introduction to Machine LearningJennifer Listgarten, Jitendra MalikIt'll kick your ass, but you'll come out with a strong mathematical and probabilistic intuition. It's very worthwhile if you're going to be designing your own ML methods.5
2022BerkeleySpringNeural Systems & Vision ScienceCS 289AIntro to Machine LearningJonathan ShewchukThis 'introductory' course can be pretty advanced. It may be worth taking Data 200C prior to this for a proper introduction to ML.5
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsCMPBIO 275Computational Biology Seminar/Journal ClubRasmus NielsenYou attend every seminar for the computational biology department, and get an extra hour at the end to chat with the speakers. When it's not a seminar week, you read a paper. I thought the journal club portion was kinda hit or miss.3
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsCMPBIO 293Doctoral SeminarNilah IoannidisIt's a required seminar for the designated emphasis in computational biology and genomics. Super easy, mostly worked in the back of the class during lectures.3
2022BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsCS 288Natural Language ProcessingDan KleinContent-wise, Dan is an amazing lecturer, and the homework is very instructional. However, the workload was incredibly unreasonable (I put 50+ hours into the first HW assignment). Also, if you're outside the EECS department, you had to get 100 on the first HW assignment, or you'd be kicked out of the course. So if you can come into a class and code a full-blown LSTM in pytorch, without any mistakes... congrats, you're allowed to stay. Truthfully, this course took a big toll on my mental health and wellbeing...3
2022BerkeleyFallSystems & Synthetic BiologyBIOE247Principles of Synthetic BiologyAdam arkinHigh workload but great for building a foundation in synthetic Biology5
2022BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsBIOENG C231Introduction to Computational Molecular and Cell BiologyIan HolmesHomework problems involve writing python in Jupyter notebooks and feel very useful, but (open note) exams are tough and involve learning tons of terms and facts, as well as being fast with probability and math. A lot of time commitment and tough exams, but I learned a lot and it seems like the grades given were good.3
2022BerkeleySpringSystems & Synthetic BiologyBIOENG 235Frontiers in Microbial Systems BiologyAdam ArkinThe class and slides are fairly disorganized so it's hard to complete the homeworks and exams (lot of self teaching_, so I'm not sure how much I retained and felt lost a lot. But lectures are interesting and it is a low pressure class in terms of grades.2
2022BerkeleyFallMachine LearningCS 267Introduction to Machine LearningListgarden et al.Super useful if you are going to use machine learning or deep learning in your research. Workload depends on prior proficiency, but should be doable.5
2022BerkeleySpringHPCCS 267Parallelism in ComputingThe guy who wrote LAPACKEven if you are well acquainted with C/C++, data structures, and basic optimizations such as loop unrolling, cache utilization, and intrinsics the course will be hard. If you don’t leech off of some of the exceptional CS students (it’s mostly group projects), it’s one of the hardest CS courses available period. It requires a significant time commitment even for people who do this for work/research due to the difficulty debugging parallel code with OpenMP, MPI, Cuda, etc. For one assignment, I had to spend 4 16-hour days to finish it up. You do learn a lot about those packages, basics of computer architecture, and code optimization/parallelism.4
2022BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsDATA C100Principles and Techniques of Data ScienceJoey GonzalezVery useful to get a good overview of python, pandas, and a little bit of machine learning. I went into this course with pretty minimal coding experience and learned more than any other class I've taken in grad school, both general principles/concepts and practical skills I constantly apply to my research and data analysis. Its an undergrad course, so the workload is significant (1-2 assignments per week, plus a few projects) and the class size is massive, but I still highly recommend it!5
2022BerkeleyFallBioMEMS/NanotechnologyBIOENG 221Advanced BioMEMS and BiotechnologyStreetsContent heavy class and does take a bit of time -- weekly hw and two exams and a final project. can be time consuming depending on how much of the content is review for you. I found it super helpful and interesting!4
2022BerkeleyFallTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineBIOENG 202Cell EngineeringConboyClass goes over interesting content, not too much homework until the final project3
2022BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsDATA C200Principles and Techniques of Data ScienceJosh Hug, Lisa YanGood class, lot's of work super content heavy (weekly hw and optional labs, exams) but is good if you have some data science knowledge and would like a refresher. Kind of math heavy but I would recommend this if you are or aren't on the computational track. overall helpful.3
2022UCSFWinterTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineBIOE 221Tissue MechanobiologyJ. Lotz, T. Alliston, V. Weaverinteresting content and lectures, no homework, final debate is a good review to incorporate class content4
2021BerkeleyFallOther - StatisticsPH245Multivariate statisticsLexin LiGood basic stats class, very practical. Great professor who takes time for questions, introduces concepts with context and immediate applications. Good introduction in using R programming, no exam and one final project.
2021BerkeleySpringBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationEE290PAdvanced topics in bioelectronics - Bioelectronic implantsRikky MullerGreat class on electrically-active implanted medical devices; also learned a lot about FDA regulations for medical devices
2021UCSFSpringOther - StatisticsComputational Biology & BioinformaticsNursing 291Applied Stat Methods For Longitudinal & Hierarchical DataLongitudinal data analysis; hands-on experience of analyzing repeated measures data, no exams
2021BerkeleySpringBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationBioE C265Principles of MRIMoriel VandsburgerMust-take for anyone doing MRI research. Not recommended otherwise as it's too specific otherwise - you're better suited to just taking BioE C261 instead. This course is a follow-up to BioE C261. Includes lab sections with MRI scanners.
2021UCSFFallBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationBI201Principles of MRISlightly shorter/less intense course on MRI as compared to Berkeley course (BioE265)
2021BerkeleySpringOther - BiochemistryMCB100BBiochemistryIn-depth biochem course for biochem undergrad majors
2021BerkeleyFallOther - BiochemistryCHEM135Chemical biologyEvan MillerUpper-level undergrad course; it was a great class to fulfill chemistry area requirement; valuable for understanding fundamentals of macromolecular charge and structure. Evan Miller was an excellent professor and has served on quals committees
2021BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsCS289aIntroduction to Machine LearningJonathan ShewchukJonathan Shewchuk was an incredible professor - lectured well and gave clear explanations (probably not as good with different professors - I attended a lecture with Prof Sahai and it was extremely confusing). Great theoretical overview of lots of machine learning topics. Great fundamentals of the math in ML. Quite a large homework load. It is a very difficult course, but I learned so much & got a good grasp of the mathematical basis behind different machine learning algorithms.
2021UCSFWinterTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineBiomechanicsBioE221Tissue MechanobiologyTamara Alliston, Val Weaver, Jeff Lotz, Sophie Dumont, Aaron Fields The professors are really excited to teach this class (so excited that they were willing to teach it in Mission Bay for us even though they're all based in Parnassus), it's a great overview of interesting topics that each professor is an expert in.
2021BerkeleyFallBioMEMS/NanotechnologyBioE 221BioMEMSAaron StreetsIt's a lot of work (homework most weeks, midterm, poster and final project), but you end up learning a lot about micro/nanofabrication techniques and applications!
2021BerkeleyFallTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineBiomechanicsBioE 211Cell and Tissue MechanotransductionSanjay KumarIt's a great intro to a research field that lots of people in our program work in, and you learn lots of cool things about cells!
2021BerkeleySpringSystems & Synthetic BiologyOther - GeneticsMCB240Advanced Genetic AnalysisMCB tag teamTeaches you how to properly apply genetic concepts to experiments well (rather than just memorizing/learning biology jargon)
2021BerkeleySpringOther - BiologyBiomaterialsMCB250Advanced ImmunologyNice overview of the native and adaptive immune system. "The best class I took in grad school". Emphasizes thinking about experiment design to answer scientific questions.
2021BerkeleyFallBiomaterialsBioMEMS/NanotechnologyBioE C250Nanomaterials in MedicinePhil MessersmithCovers many material characterization techniques. In the first 1/3 of the semester, Phil typically lectures; the later 2/3 of the semester consist of journal clubs/lit-review type classes. Good practice for writing proposals; has a mock study section which is helpful when thinking about how fellowships are reviewed.
2021UCSFSpringDrug delivery systems & PharmacogenomicsChemistry 219Drug Discovery MinicourseMichelle ArkinIntensive minicourse over 5 weeks worth 6 UCSF units. Brought in different experts in drug development to teach different components of drug design
2021UCSFSpringBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationBiophysics 210Light MicroscopyDelaine LarsenGreat course that includes both principles and hands-on experience with various forms of microscopy. Very useful course that directly improved my research
2021UCSFSpringTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineDevelopmental an Stem Cell Biology 270Stem Cell Epigenetics MinicourseBarbara PanningVery interesting course about current topics in epigenetic regulation of stem cells. Barbara Panning was a great instructor.
2021BerkeleyFallSystems & Synthetic BiologyBioE247Principles of synthetic biologyAdam ArkinCovers a lot of useful synthetic biology related tools and current literature. Not an easy class since co-listed with undergrads, but you get a lot of good, detailed knowledge about the field)
2021BerkeleyFallSystems & Synthetic BiologyBioE248Bioenergy and sustainable chemical synthesisJohn DueberGreat introduction to the field as a whole and how you can use synthetic biology and metabolic engineering in a number of fields. Not as detailed technically, but gives a great overview of the field and brings in a lot of guest speakers from industry that is great, class is easy but requires a decent bit of writing of guest reflections).
2021BerkeleySpringSystems & Synthetic BiologyOther - Chemical EngineeringCHMENG 274Biomolecular engineeringDave SchafferVery detailed from the chemistry side of entropy and enthalpy of proteins and cells, it goes into a lot of very technical detail about chemical engineering stuff and biology, also not an easy class, but you learn a lot)
2021BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsOther - GenomicsPlantBio220BGenomics and computational biologyDeutschbauer5 week 1.5 credit class part of PMB grad program but you learn a lot about sequencing and how to assemble genomes)
2021BerkeleySpringSystems & Synthetic BiologyOther - BiochemistryPlantBio220EMicrobial physiologyHans CarlsonYou learn alot about all different types of metabolism and how it works within cells - highly recommend the class, super easy, only two short assignments and Hans is great).
2021BerkeleyFallNeural Systems & Vision ScienceComputational Biology & BioinformaticsVisSci 265Intro to Neural NetworksBruno Olhausen
2021BerkeleySpringOther - CommunicationOther - LeadershipENG295Communications for Engineering LeadersSusan Houlihan & Thomas Fitzpatrick2 day crash course in being an effective communicator
2021BerkeleyFallBioMEMS/NanotechnologyEE247AIntro to MEMSGreenspunPretty solid intro to MEMS class, learned a lot, would come in handy if doing MEMS research
2021BerkeleyFallBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationBioE C261Medical Imaging Signals & SystemsSteve ConollyGood introduction to fundamental imaging principles with a focus on the characteristics that make images clinically relevant. Very useful background knowledge of the most common imaging modalities (no ultrasound and optics, however) that sets the foundation for future classes. Great for ensuring you have the mathematical/signal processing chops to characterize and understand imaging system theory.
2021UCSFSpringBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationOther - BiochemistryBioE 241Metabolism and Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyJohn KurhanewitczHighly informative about MR spectroscopy and how to use it to study metabolism, with sessions in the NMR lab.
2021BerkeleyFallComputational Biology & BioinformaticsCOMPSCI 294-148Topics in machine learning, inverse problems, and data analysis in computation neuro and medical imaging / Deep unsupervised learning [this is a special topics course which may vary from semester to semester]Miki Lustig & Chunlei LiuIf one wants to be serious about machine learning, you should take all your CS classes at berkeley, this one is of particularly high quality. Take with a buddy, these courses are a lot of work
2021UCSFWinterComputational Biology & BioinformaticsBMI 203Biocomputing AlgorithmsRyan HernandezVery thorough dive into designing algorithms, great for anyone doing computational biology method development
2021UCSFWinterDrug delivery systems & PharmacogenomicsBPS 272AAdvanced Drug DeliveryFrank SzokaInteresting overview of drug delivery field, consists of different weekly speakers and a final project with a partner. Weekly speakers are interesting because they are typically leaders in the field, either in academia or start-up founders in industry. They provide a real, and first-hand perspective on drug delivery techniques.
2021BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsEECS 227ATOptimization Models in EngineeringFundamentals of optimization, useful for any person adjacent to algorithms. Mathematical fundamentals surrounding any optimization problem, including but not limited to machine learning.
2021BerkeleyFallBioMEMS/NanotechnologyBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationEE240AAnalog Integrated CircuitsFor if you are planning to do any silicon/wafer level design or work adjacent to it. Otherwise, still a good class to understand the limitations and design parameters around instrumentation and amplifier design. Warning: probably the heaviest work load of all the Berkeley courses I took.
2021BerkeleyFallBiomaterialsBioE C208Biological Performance of MaterialsKevin HealyGood recap/overview of biomaterials and their various uses
2021UCSFWinterOther - EpidemiologyEpidemiology of AgingGood class to back to clinical relevance of disease treatments, easy A
2021UCSFSpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsOther - MicrobiologyBMS 270Genomics and NGS Applications in MicrobiologyCharles ChiuGreat interactive coding class for all stages of coders (beginner to experienced)
2021UCSFSpringSystems & Synthetic BiologyBP 219? Biophysics: Modularity in Biology MinicourseWendall Lim & Hana El-SamadGreat intro and exposure to modular systems and systems biology
2021UCSFFallTissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineOther - BiologyDevelopment & Stem Cell Biology 257Development & Stem Cell BiologySarah Knox and Julie SneddonGreat class for intro to developmental biology and practice for proposal writing
2021Berkeley SpringDrug delivery systems & PharmacogenomicsOther - Public HealthPBHLTH275Current Topics in VaccinologyLee RileyGreat primer on how vaccines work at a global health scale and how they are developed/tested
2021UCSFFallDrug delivery systems & PharmacogenomicsPHARMGENOM245ABasic Principles of Pharmaceutical SciencesKathy Giacomini, Deanna Kroetz, Les Benet, and othersReally great primer on PK/PD and ADME topics making it a foundational pick for people interested in drug delivery/pharmaceutical engineering. ESSENTIAL for anyone interested in drug delivery, and you learn from THE experts in the field (Kathy Giacomini, Les Benet, and Deanna Krotz). Just the vocabulary you learn is so important when talking about PK/PD, and it'll make you sound like you know what you're talking about when you go on job interviews
2021BerkeleyFallNeural Systems & Vision ScienceOther - BiologyMCB C261Cellular and Developmental NeurobiologyHillel Adesnik & Stephen BrohawnGreat discussion based course with lots of literature reading, good option for anyone interested in neurobiology at the cellular level
2021UCSFSpringBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationComputational Biology & BioinformaticsBioE 245Machine Learning for Medical ImagingSri Nagarajan, Valentina PedoiaGreat course to start off or continue in machine learning for anyone in medical imaging, class broken up into unsupervised ML and supervised ML sections, covers both theoretical and practical applications
2021BerkeleySpringComputational Biology & BioinformaticsCSC200APrinciples and Techniques of Data ScienceJoey Gonzalez and Ani AdhikariThis class gives a very useful overview of data science and python. The homework is very practical and useful, and there is a lot of guidance so even with very little programming experience it is not too hard to learn.
2021BerkeleyFallOther - BiologyBiomaterialsPBHLTH 263ImmunologySarah StanleyI recommend this course purely for Sarah Stanley as a professor! She is a very good lecturer and does a good job of teaching the main principles without getting too bogged down in the specific details.
2021BerkeleyFallBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationBioE 168LPractical light microscopyDan FletcherGave a hands-on approach to teaching the basics of optics with labs that demonstrated the fundamentals very well.
2021BerkeleyFallOther - BiochemistryMCB C100A / CHEM C130ABiophysical Chemistry: Physical Principles and the Molecules of LifeRecommended to fulfill chemistry area requirement
2021BerkeleyFallOther - Medical DevicesBioEng 252Clinical Needs-Based Therapy SolutionsSyed HossainyClass with guest speakers from the medical devices field (both academia and industry), and group projects related to the speaker topics
2021BerkeleySpringOther - EntrepreneurshipBioEng 253Biotechnology EntrepreneurshipDavid KirnClass with guest speakers from all aspects of biotech entrepreneurship (R&D, legal, business, academia...) and a group project
2021BerkeleySpringOther - Data ProcessingAstron 250Python Computing for Data ScienceJosh BloomExcellent, very practical overview of using Python tools for a variety of data processing tasks. Weekly homeworks take time but it's worth it; final project uses Python to do data processing for your own research
2021BerkeleyFallBiomaterialsBioMEMS/NanotechnologyMecEng C217Biomimetic EngineeringRobert FullFun class where you learn about biology-inspired engineering, and do a group project proposing a new biomimetic product idea
2021BerkeleyFallBiomedical Imaging & InstrumentationCompSci 294Computational ImagingRen NgCovers various aspects of computational imaging and has a group project at the end. The math may seem intimidating at times, but it's OK, you can do it 🙂 Especially good if you plan to work on designing microscope- or camera-based systems

Sample Courses for Majors and Minors

Here are some example courses taken by BioE students to satisfy the major and minor requirements set forth by the program. It is meant to be used as a starting point for students who would like suggestions on courses that fit their research interests. Please note that course availability changes every quarter and semester and some courses are only offered every two years. Furthermore, course numbers and term availability may vary.

Note that there are no set major or minor focus areas that you must follow, and no set courses that you must take to satisfy a particular major or minor, which allows for maximum flexibility in taking courses that help you with your research area. The rules are detailed as follows under “Major and Minor Areas” in the Grad Student Handbook.

See the Peer Advising’s compiled list of sample courses.

Course number [may change!]
Course name
BiomaterialsUCBBioEng 211Cell and Tissue Mechanotransduction
BiomaterialsUCBBioEng 221Advanced BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology
BiomaterialsUCBBioEng 224Basic Principles of Drug Delivery
BiomaterialsUCBBioEng 290AStem Cell Technologies
BiomaterialsUCBBioEng C118Biological Performance of Materials
BiomaterialsUCBBioEng C216Macromolecular Science in Biotechnology and Medicine
BiomaterialsUCBBioEng C223Polymer Engineering
BiomaterialsUCBChem 271A-CChemical Biology
BiomaterialsUCBChmEng 295DDevelopment of Biopharmaceuticals
BiomaterialsUCBChmEng 295SIntroduction to Expermental Surface Chemistry
BiomaterialsUCBMatSci C250Nanomaterials in Medicine
BiomaterialsUCBMecEng C217Biomimetic Engineering
BiomaterialsUCBPbHlth 263Public Health Immunology
BiomaterialsUCSFBIOE 221Tissue Mechanobiology
BiomaterialsUCSFBIOE 225BTissue and Organ Biology
BiomaterialsUCSFBIOE 242Principles of Tissue Engineering
BiomaterialsUCSFBPS 245APrinciples of Pharmaceutical Sciences
BiomaterialsUCSFPSPG 245BEnzymes and Reactions
BiomechanicsUCBBioEng 102Biomechanics
BiomechanicsUCBBioEng 210Cell Mechanics and the Cytoskeleton
BiomechanicsUCBBioEng 211Cell and Tissue Mechanotransduction
BiomechanicsUCBBioEng 263Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biophotonics
BiomechanicsUCBBioEng C119Occupational Biomechanics
BiomechanicsUCBBioEng C215Mechanobiology of the Cell
BiomechanicsUCBBioEng C223Polymer Engineering
BiomechanicsUCBChem 270AAdvanced Biophysical Chemistry
BiomechanicsUCBChmEng 250Transport Processes
BiomechanicsUCBMecEng 212Heat and Mass Transfer in Biology
BiomechanicsUCBMecEng 214Structure Function Relationships
BiomechanicsUCBMecEng 224Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials
BiomechanicsUCBMecEng C176Orthopedic Biomechanics
BiomechanicsUCSFBIOE 221Tissue Mechanobiology
BiomechanicsUCSFBIOE 240Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng 110Biomedical Physiology for Engineers
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng 115Cell Biology for Engineers
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng 164Optics and Microscopy
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng 165Introduction to Medical Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng 221LBioMEMS and Bionanotechnology Laboratory
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng 263Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biophotonics
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng 290Biomedical Imaging Signal and Systems II
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng C117Structural Aspects of Biomaterials
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng C213Fluid Mechanics of Biological Systems
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng C261Medical Imaging Signals and Systems
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBBioEng C265Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBCompSci 160User Interfaces
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBCompSci 294Computational Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBCompSci 294Design of Health Technology
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBCompSci 294Visualization
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBElEng 218AIntroduction to Optical Engineering
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBElEng 225BDigital Image Processing
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBElEng 227ATOptimization Models in Engineering
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBElEng 236AQuantum and Optical Electronics
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBElEng 240AAnalog Integrated Circuits
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBElEng 290Advanced Brain Imaging Methods
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBElEng 290CLow-Powered Bioelectronics
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBElEng C249AIntroduction to Embedded Systems
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBIntegBi 131Human Anatomy
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBMecEng 109Heat Transfer
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBMecEng 128Computer-Aided Mechanical Design
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBMecEng 145LTransducer Lab
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBMecEng 212Heat and Mass Transfer in Biology
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBMecEng 235Design of Microprocessor-Based Mechanical Systems
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBPhysics 137AQuantum Mechanics
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBPsych 201functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCBPsych 214functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFANATY 116Brain Anatomy
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFANATY 116Gross Anatomy
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 230CIntroduction to Molecular Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 230CPhysics of Radiation Oncology
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 241Metabolism and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 244Medical Imaging Processing
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 245Electromagnetic Neuroimaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 245Machine Learning Algorithms for Medical Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 247Introduction to MRI Systems & Hardware
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 270Translational Challenges of Medical Devices
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOE 297MRI Programming
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 201Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 202Physical Principles of CT, PET & SPECT Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 203Imaging Probes for Nuclear and Optical Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 204Principles of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 211MR Pulse Sequences
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 220Advanced Neurological Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 230Vascular Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 240Muscoskeletal Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 250Abdominal and Pelvic Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 260Image Processing and Analysis I
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 265Image Processing and Analysis II
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOIM 270Cancer Imaging
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOPHYS 201Cell Biophysics
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOSTAT 183Statistical Analysis
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBIOSTAT 208Biostatistical Methods
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFBMS 230Advanced Topics in Cancer Research
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFNEUROSCI 201CIntroduction to Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience
Biomedical Imaging & InstrumentationUCSFRAD/BIOIM 209Imaging Lab: MR, CT, PET, & SPECT
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBBioEng 211Cell and Tissue Mechanotransduction
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBBioEng 221Advanced BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBBioEng 221LBioMEMS and Bionanotechnology Laboratory
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBBioEng 251Micro/Nanofluidics for Bioengineering and Lab-On-A-Chip
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBBioEng 263Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biophotonics
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBBioEng C118Biological Performance of Materials
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBBioEng C213Fluid Mechanics of Biological Systems
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBBioEng C280Introduction to Nano-Science and Engineering
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBChmEng 250Transport Processes
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBElEng 143Microfabrication Technology
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBElEng 247Introduction to MEMS
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBElEng 290PBrain-Machine Interface Systems
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBElEng C245Introduction to MEMS Design
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBMCellBi 230Advanced Cell Biology
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBMecEng 290LIntroduction to Nanobiology
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBMecEng C217Biomimetic Engineering
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCBNSE C203Nanoscale Fabrication
BioMEMS & NanotechnologyUCSFEPI 260Development and Approval of Drugs and Devices
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBBioEng 143Computational Methods
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBBioEng 144Protein Informatics
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBBioEng 231Introduction to Computational Molecular Cell Biology
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBBioEng 247Principles of Synthetic Biology
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBBioEng 290BAdvanced Topics in Bioinformatics
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBBioEng C218Stem Cells and Directed Organogenesis
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBChem 220AThermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBChem 220BStatistical Mechanics
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBCompSci 281AStatistical Learning Theory
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBCompSci 289AIntroduction to Machine Learning
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBCompSci 294Deep Unsupervised Learning
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBCompSci 294Special Topics in Deep Learning
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBElEng 290SMachine Learning for Sequential Decision Making
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBElEng 290THigh-Dimensional Data with Low-Dimensional Models
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBEngin 231Mathematical Methods in Engineering
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBMCellBi 206Physical Biochemistry
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBIndEng 290Data-X
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBMCellBi 240Advanced Genetic Analysis
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBMecEng 120 Computational Biology Across Multiple Scales
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBPbHlth 240CComputational Biostatistics
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBPlantBi 200BGenomics and Computational Biology
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBStat 141CStatistics for Bioinformatics
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBStat 260Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCBStat C245CBiostatistical Methods: Computational Statistics with Applications in Biology and Medicine
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCSFBIOE 245Machine Learning Algorithms for Medical Imaging
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCSFBIOMEDINF 203Introduction to Biocomputing Algorithms
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCSFBIOMEDINF 206Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCSFBMS 270Genomics and NGS Applications in Microbiology (minicourse)
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCSFBMS 270Genomics and NGS Applications in Microbiology (minicourse)
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCSFEPI 266Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases
Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, & GenomicsUCSFPHYSIOL 220Essential Immunology and Immunopathology
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCBBioEng 224Basic Principles of Drug Delivery
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCBBioEng C216Macromolecular Science in Biotechnology and Medicine
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCBBioEng C223Polymer Engineering
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCBMatSci 251Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCBMatSci C250Nanomaterials in Medicine
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCBMCellBi 150Molecular Immunology
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCSFBIOPHYS 202Biophysical Methods
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCSFCHEM 241Molecular Thermodynamics
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCSFPSPG 245A-CBasic Principles of Pharmaceutical Science
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCSFPSPG 271Advanced Pharmacokinetics
Drug Delivery Systems & PharmacogenomicsUCSFPSPG 272AAdvanced Drug Delivery
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBBioEng C261Medical Imaging Signals and Systems
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBCompSci 281AStatistical Learning Theory
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBCompSci 289AIntroduction to Machine Learning
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBCompSci 294Deep Unsupervised Learning
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBCompSci 294Special Topics in Deep Learning
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBElEng 129Neural and Non-Linear Information Processing
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBElEng 225ADigital Signal Processing
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBElEng 225DAudio Signal Processing in Humans and Machines
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBElEng 290Advanced Brain Imaging Methods
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBElEng 290PBrain-Machine Interface Systems
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBElEng 290SMachine Learning for Sequential Decision Making
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBElEng 290THigh-Dimensional Data with Low-Dimensional Models
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBIntegBi 245Neuroanatomy
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBMCellBi 160Neuroscience
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBMCellBi 163Mammalian Neuroanatomy
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBMCellBi 166Biophysical Neurobiology
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBMCellBi 261Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBMCellBi 262Advanced Topics in Systems Neurobiology
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBMCellBi C261Advanced Cell Neurobiology
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBNeurosc 201ABasic Concepts in Cell and Molecular Neuroscience
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBNeurosc C262Circuit and Systems Neurobiology
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBVisSci 212BVisual Neurophysiology
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBVisSci 212CSpatial Vision and Machine Vision
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCBVisSci 298Computational Neuroscience
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCSFBIOE 245Machine Learning Algorithms for Medical Imaging
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCSFNEUROSCI 201CIntroduction to Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience
Neural Systems Engineering & Vision ScienceUCSFPHYS 248Analysis of Neural and Behavioral Data
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBBioEng 233Genetic Devices
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBBioEng 235Frontiers in Microbial Systems Biology
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBBioEng 244Introduction to Protein Informatics
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBBioEng 244LIntroduction to Protein Informatics Lab
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBBioEng 247Principles of Synthetic Biology
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBBioEng 248Bioenergy and Sustainable Chemical Synthesis: Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology Approaches
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBBioEng 263Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biophotonics
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBBioEng C129Protein Engineering
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBChmEng 274Biomolecular Engineering
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBCompSci 289AIntroduction to Machine Learning
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBElEng 222Nonlinear Systems and Controls
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBElEng 227Optimization Models and Applications
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBEngin 231Mathematical Methods in Engineering
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBMCellBi 148Microbial Genetics and Genomics
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBMCellBi C112General Microbiology
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBPbHlth 263Public Health Immunology
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBPlantBi 200BGenomics and Computational Biology
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBPlantBi 200BMicrobial Physiology
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBPlantBi 220DCell Structure and Function
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBPlantBi 222Biochemistry of Biofuels
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCBStat 131AIntroduction to Probability and Statistics for Life Scientists
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCSFBIOCHEM 210Protein Homeostasis Network in Normal and Disease States (minicourse)
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCSFBIOMEDINF 203Introduction to Biocomputing Algorithms
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCSFBIOMEDINF 206Statistical Methods for Bioinformatics
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCSFBIOPHYS 201AMacromolecular Structure and Interactions
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCSFBIOPHYS 206Complex Biological Systems
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCSFBMS 270Genomics and NGS Applications in Microbiology (minicourse)
Systems & Synthetic BiologyUCSFBMS 270The CRISPR Revolution (minicourse)
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng 113Stem Cell Technologies
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng 116Cell and Tissue Engineering
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng 211Cell and Tissue Mechanotransduction
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng 290AStem Cell Technologies
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng 290HBio-Inspired Nanoscience and Nanomaterials
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng C117Structural Aspects of Biomaterials
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng C118Biological Performance of Materials
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng C216Macromolecular Science in Biotechnology and Medicine
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng C218Stem Cells and Directed Organogenesis
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBBioEng C223Polymer Engineering
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBIntegBi 131Anatomy
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBIntegBi 245Neuroanatomy
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBMatSci C250Nanomaterials in Medicine
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBMCellBi 130Cell Biology
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBMCellBi 150Molecular Immunology
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBMCellBi C260Introduction to Neurobiology
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBMecEng 280AIntroduction to the Finite Element Method
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCBMecEng C176Orthopedic Biomechanics
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCSFBIO 183Introduction to Statistical Analysis
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCSFBIOE 221ECM
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCSFBIOE 221Tissue Mechanobiology
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCSFBIOE 225BTissue and Organ Biology
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCSFBIOE 242Principles of Tissue Engineering
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCSFBIOIM 204Principles of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ultrasound
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative MedicineUCSFCELLBIO 245Cell Biology

Examples of Major and Minor Titles

We would also like to emphasize that this list of sample titles is just for inspiration; it is not an exhaustive list, and students are able to design their own major and minor. The rules for doing so are detailed as follows under “Major and Minor Areas” in the Grad Student Handbook.

See the Peer Advising’s compiled list of example titles for major and minor areas.

Examples of major/minor titles
Biomedical Circuits/Devices
BioMEMS & Medical Devices
BioMEMS for Cellular Biology
Biophysics + Computational biology
Cellular & Molecular Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Communication, Education, and Advocacy in STEM
Computational Methods
Computational Neuroscience
Computational Statistics for Medical Imaging
Data Analysis and Statistics
Data Processing in Medicine & Biology
Drug Delivery
Engineering Devices and Materials for Biology and Medicine
Machine Learning
Machine Learning for Neuroprosthetics
Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging: Instrumentation and Algorithms
Medical Imaging: Physiology and Diseases
Molecular Biology
MRI Acquisition and Analysis
Neuroscience Imaging, Device and Data Analysis
Protein Biochemistry
Public Health Applications
Single-Cell Analysis
Structural biology
Structural Biology
Synthetic Biology
Systems/Computational Biology
Tissue Engineering
Translational Bioengineering Entrepreneurship